Sunday 15 July 2007

Classification of assets

Assets may be classified in many ways. In a company's balance sheet certain divisions are required by generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), which vary from country to country.


1 comment:

Poly Muthumbi said...

Debt Consolidation is well off advised on someone using credit cards since they could hold quite large interest rates than even the unsecured loans. For credit card users if you have a property like a house or a car you may get the advantage of lower interest rates if you used the property as collateral. This way you reduce the total cash flow and interest rates giving you a chance to pay sooner with fewer amounts. Remember that the use of credit cards should be controlled with a lot of efforts since many people are tempted to use a credit card to purchase things unintended for especially those who love window shopping; they are tempted to go for impulse buying. If you spend more than your income with your credit card then you are in for fire and are only adding debts to your credit card. After debt consolidation of your credit cards, it does not mean that all is well. Control the use of your credit card to avoid growing debts.

Poly Muthumbi is a Web Administrator and Has Been Researching and Reporting on DEBT for Years. For More Information on DEBT CONSOLIDATION, Visit Her Site at DEBT CONSOLIDATION